WATCH: Fox & Friends Report: CDC coordinated with teachers unions prior to releasing school guidelines
Executive Director Caitlin Sutherland discusses how the CDC coordinated with teachers unions prior to releasing school guidelines.
Executive Director Caitlin Sutherland discusses how the CDC coordinated with teachers unions prior to releasing school guidelines.
Because of Americans for Public Trust’s ongoing lawsuit with the CDC, more emails were released that further reveal the coordination between the White House, the CDC, and teachers unions on COVID policy.
President Biden’s pick for a seat on the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York is backed by a dark money group with close connections to a top White House adviser.
Americans for Public Trust just obtained records from the Department of Education that show at a “Principals Meeting on COVID-19 Response” attended by Dr. Fauci and Dr. Walensky, officials outlined there would be no federal vaccine mandate.
Begging the question, what changed?
Marc Elias, the left’s top attorney, uses dark money to fund his liberal agenda.
In response to APT’s “Emergency Motion for Preliminary Injunction,” a judge in the Northern District Court of Georgia has set a court date for September 1 for oral arguments.
Executive Director Caitlin Sutherland details the lawsuit against the CDC for not making public its communications with teachers’ unions
Today, Americans for Public Trust filed a lawsuit against the Centers for Disease Control (“CDC”) to gain full access to email records withheld by the agency.
Today, APT filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the Montana Governor’s Office and related agencies regarding Tracy Stone-Manning, who has been nominated as the Director of the Bureau of Land Management under the Department of the Interior.