In an election year, it’s important to remember that the FEC clearly prohibits campaigns from certain types of expenditures. This…
Despite a growing trend of social media companies entering the fact-checking space, Facebook has disregarded calls to curb political speech…
Failed presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg’s group, Everytown for Gun Safety, just announced their plans to spend $15 million in key…
Today, Representative Steve Watkins was charged with three felony counts of voter fraud related to the 2019 municipal elections
With the 2020 elections quickly approaching, millions in “dark money” are being poured into ads and digital content masquerading as…
The U.S. Senate has long recognized that a public office is a public trust. Members of the Senate are expected…
The House Committee on Ethics has issued a reminder to House Members of the requirements of the Stop Trading on…
Until now, little has been known about the finances of ACRONYM, a liberal dark money group funded by the Arabella…
Today, APT filed a complaint with the Office of Congressional Ethics against Representative Steven Horsford for violations of the standards of conduct for members and a failure to uphold the integrity of the office.
Today, Americans for Public Trust filed a complaint with the Montana Commissioner of Political Practices against Montana Lieutenant Governor Mike Cooney for using his Capitol office for campaign work, a violation of the law and ethics standards for elected officials.