APT Files FEC Complaint Against Swiss Billionaire’s Political Spending

As reported in the New York Post, Americans for Public Trust has filed a complaint with the Federal Elections Commissions (“FEC”) calling for an investigation into foreign billionaire Hansjorg Wyss’ meddling in U.S. elections. The Swiss-born billionaire, now residing in the U.S., has made nearly $200 million in contributions to Arabella Advisors’ dark money outfits New Venture Fund and Sixteen Thirty Fund. The scheme, which saw money flowing through New Venture Fund into its own pop-up organization called the Hub Project, was ultimately used as a vehicle to fund a Super PAC, triggering multiple violations of federal campaign finance laws. The complaint requests that the FEC enforce federal campaign finance laws and prohibit Hansjorg Wyss from making future contributions in violation of those laws.

A copy of the complaint can be read here.