On February 13, 2025, Americans for Public Trust Executive Director Caitlin Sutherland testified before the Utah House Government Operations Committee in support of HB 393, which bans foreign nationals from contributing to state ballot issue campaigns. Sutherland’s testimony highlighted the threat Utah faces from foreign dark money, including the Sixteen Thirty Fund, bankrolled by Swiss billionaire Hansjörg Wyss. Americans for Public Trust traced around a quarter of a billion oof Wyss’ money funneled into ballot campaigns through the Sixteen Thirty Fund.
Read excerpts from Caitlin’s testimony below:
On steps Utah has taken to protect their state from foreign threats and HB 393…
“Utah has taken many proactive steps to protect their state from foreign threats, including restricting hostile foreign governments from owning land, championed by Representative Pierucci. And now, thank you for continuing the fight to protect Utah’s constitution from foreign interests by introducing HB 393. While it is already illegal for foreign nationals to donate to candidates, that prohibition does not extend to groups promoting or opposing a ballot propositions. HB 393 is a simple, commonsense measure to close this foreign influence loophole.”
On foreign money threats facing Utah, including the Sixteen Thirty Fund…
“Threats of foreign interference are not hypothetical, but real concerns made evident by the rising influence of China in your backyard. Right now, there is a foreign-funded group based in Washington, D.C. called the Sixteen Thirty Fund, and they are actively bankrolling ballot measure campaigns across the country. We have able to trace that the Sixteen Thirty Fund has received at least a quarter of a billion dollars from a foreign national and has turned around and poured $130 million into ballot issue campaigns in 25 states.”
On Hansjörg Wyss and his progressive activism…
“While there is nothing stopping China or Qatar from taking advantage of this loophole, this foreign money mostly flows from a Swiss billionaire named Hansjörg Wyss. Mr. Wyss is not a U.S. citizen, but his goal is to ‘(re)interpret the American Constitution in the light of progressive politics.’ According to the New York Times, Mr. Wyss’ ‘political activism is channeled through a daisy chain of opaque organizations that mask the ultimate recipients of his money.’”