APT Files Complaint Against Four Members of Congress for Failure to File Financial Disclosures

Today, Americans for Public Trust filed a complaint against four Members of Congress who have failed to file their annual personal financial disclosure on time, despite all getting extensions. Under the Ethics in Government Act, Members of Congress are required to file a financial disclosure statement every year. This important government form is a tool to identify potential conflicts of interest and ensure members are not using their taxpayer-funded congressional office for personal gain.

Despite requesting a 90-day extension, the following members failed to file their financial disclosure by the August 13, 2024, due date:

  • Representative Andy Ogles (R-TN)
  • Representative Pat Ryan (D-NY)
  • Representative Steny Hoyer (D-MD)
  • Representative John Rose (R-TN)

“Members of Congress are fully aware of the financial disclosure requirements,” said Caitlin Sutherland, Executive Director of Americans for Public Trust. “These four Members’ failure to file their financial disclosures, despite receiving a 90-day extension, is not only a blatant violation of federal law and House rules, but also an affront to the trust of the American people.”

Click here to read the complaint

Click here to read reporting on the complaint.